Health Redefined LLC is a consultative pediatric functional medicine practice focusing on allergies, gastrointestinal and autoimmune diseases, and a biomedical approach to autism, ADD, ADHD


“Healing is a more subtle and individualized process - it involves finding out what gives a person a sense of well-being.”

-Wayne Jonas


Emily D. Kucera, M.D.; IFM Certified Practitioner

Meet Your Doctor

As a pediatric radiologist for more than 29 years, I have witnessed an increase in allergies, autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal problems, and neurocognitive conditions such as ADHD, ADD, and autism, as well as pediatric cancers among our children.

I have also witnessed a growing trend toward families that are searching for alternative solutions to today’s standard of care that often relies on drugs to manage these conditions. These families are looking for options that entail an integrative and whole body lifestyle approach to reduce, improve, and even prevent these conditions from continuing to occur and recur. They want a health care provider who will take the time to listen to them and allow them to become a partner in their child’s care.

I too have become frustrated with our current care model. I can no longer practice with a model that determines a patient’s care plan based on an algorithm. Each individual has his or her own family history, genetics, environmental exposures, lifestyle choices and beliefs that can play a significant role in their health, personalized care plan, and their response to treatment.

Several years ago, I decided to take a different path in my health care career, one that will allow me to address these issues in an integrative and whole body system approach. I completed education through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM); Women’s Functional & Integrative Medicine Professional Training Program; and Integrative Medicine Academy with training in biomedical approach to autism.

I am an IFM Certified Practitioner, with a consultative pediatric functional medicine practice focusing on children with allergies, gastrointestinal and autoimmune diseases, and a biomedical approach to autism.

This is my passion! I am excited to provide you an alternative approach to your health care that will enrich and empower you to overcome health care obstacles with more positive health and wellness practices. I look forward to taking this journey with you!



“Between the stimulus and response, there is a space.”

- Anonymous

“In that space we make a choice. The choices we make define our character and create our future.”

- Terry Wahls MD

What is functional medicine?

Functional medicine shifts the traditional disease-centered focus to a more patient-centered approach. Our bodies are complex organisms capable of healing. As such, we need to look at the whole-body, not the one-size fits all philosophy of care.

Functional medicine incorporates an intimate one-on-one approach between the patient and the provider that focuses on the underlying root causes of your problems. Each person is unique, based upon the interactions of genetic makeup, lifestyle choices and environmental exposures. Functional medicine tailors to your individual needs and health history.

At Health Redefined, the child and family take ownership and engage in their personal healing journey. By setting realistic goals, the root causes of your health issues can be addressed to restore or substantially improve your health. These can then become a lifelong strategy to prevent other health issues.

Functional medicine not only focuses on the importance of diet, exercise, sleep, stress, environmental exposures, and detoxification, but also addresses one’s emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Counseling on lifestyle practices is part of the educational component. This includes collaboration with other specialists who together address the whole person, including chiropractic, speech and occupational therapists, massage, biofeedback, counseling and coaching to name a few. We use many types of interventions, laboratory and diagnostic tests, and combine dietary interventions with botanical medicines and supplements to optimize your health.

Functional medicine is not for everyone, as it requires a deeper commitment to your health. One needs to be open to changing his/her diet, setting boundaries and goals, and choosing healthier lifestyle options. This is a lifelong journey if our goal is to be truly healthy.


Education, Training & Career

Medical Doctor, with distinction, May 1991, University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), Omaha, Neb.

Residency in pediatrics,1991-1992, Creighton-Nebraska Universities Health Foundation, Omaha, Neb.

Residency in diagnostic radiology, 1992-1996, UNMC

Fellowship in pediatric radiology, then staff radiologist, 1996-1998, Indiana University, Riley Hospital for Children, Bloomington, Ind.

Pediatric radiology private practice, 1998-2009, Omaha Neb.

Pediatric radiologist, 2009-2020, Children’s Mercy Kansas City


How to get started

  1. Go to Living Matrix and complete the general information form.

  2. Schedule a 15 minute free consultation by phone. Details about your current health challenges & symptoms will be discussed. Our consultation will help explain the importance of the root and contributing causes of your symptoms.

    • An agreement to continue with Health Redefined will be finalized

    • Detailed functional analysis questionnaires will be emailed to you for completion. The dates of your symptoms are important to develop a timeline for your health/illness continuum. These questionnaires should be completed 5 days before your scheduled appointment. Reminders will be sent via email if these forms have not been completed. A new appointment date will be scheduled if the questionnaires are not completed on time.

    • The first appointment will take place in your home. This appointment will take 1-2 hours. A confirmation text will be sent reminding you about the appointment. If you need to reschedule, please do so at least 24 hours before your appointment or a $50 fee will be charged.

    • Follow up recommendations and treatment plans will be sent to you via email. At the time, additional recommended appointments can be made. Communication between appointments will be available using texting on a HIPPA compliant platform or by emailing me at

Membership Model

Health Redefined is designed as a membership-based practice. Your monthly membership includes the initial 1.5 to 2 hour initial in-home consultation, access to Dr. Kucera using secure texting platform, educational materials, and a personal health and wellness plan. Additional in-person meetings or phone conversations can be scheduled as needed.

Recommendations for supplements, botanicals, and prescription medications will be discussed, but their cost is not included in the membership model. The monthly membership fee does not include lab costs. Some labs can be covered by insurance if ordered by your primary care provider. Any insurance filing will be the your responsibility. Many functional labs are not covered by insurance and will be the your responsibility. Lab results and any additional recommendations will be discussed with you.

Nutritional recommendations will be a core focus of your health care plan. The cost of the food is the patient’s responsibility. Recommendations for additional coaching and referrals to other health and wellness professional will be suggested but the cost of these other professionals is not included in the membership fee.